Thursday, 2 January 2014

Drafting and planning - eminem research

After a considerable amount of research i decided to create my front cover on Eminem, there are various reasons for this: One of which is Eminem has a very diverse range of front covers which go from cartoon to looking very classy. Furthermore Eminem can suit pretty much any colour scheme I desire for example in the top right there is: red, black and white, but in the bottom right picture there is predominately blue and yellow.
I really liked the whole idea of the cartoon picture in the bottom left as i found it really eye catching and unique as there are very few front covers of that quality. For this reason i decided to recreate a front cover with elements of cartoon characteristics combined with the seriousness of Eminem's facial features. In addition i decided that i will have a: Blue, yellow and red colour scheme for my front cover. As stated above Eminem can suit most colour schemes and these colours represent many god like features which links in with my title and one of his songs called 'Rap God'.

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