Monday, 31 March 2014

Research and planning - distributors of my magazine

These are 2 examples of media distributors that may distribute my magazine to the public. During an analysis of IPC media i found that they are a really large company that publishes well known magazines such as NME and Uncut magazine.

I also analysed Bauer media and they distribute magazines such as Kerrang and mojo and again is another extremely well known distributor.
Bauer also are involved in radio stations and other media incorporation's.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Drafting and planning

This is another picture i will be using for my back up artists 'The thrillers'

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

organisation - pictures for double page spread

These are the pictures i will use for my double page spread. I will edit these pictures to fit the desired purpose

Friday, 7 March 2014

Organisation - Photo of back up singer

This is the lead singer and main guitarist of my back up band 'Laser light'. This is the image i will use on my contents page when i list what page will be based on laser light. When i use this image i will crop out the background so it is just the artist

Friday, 28 February 2014

Planning of photo shoot - Organisation

I am currently planning a photo-shoot for my back up artists which will be on the 7th of march. These artists will follow a similar style and genre of music to the main artist as the magazine has a rock based theme. But each artist will have a unique look to them to represent the indie side of the music.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Contents page draft

This is my draft for my contents page, i really like the photo and the way the photo has been edited but there is no room left for other pictures of my back up artists. This has created a problem which will need to be fixed as the contents page is not all about placebo effect but other band and features in the magazine as well

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Organisation - magazine theme - Props used

When i create my magazine i will use various props to create a certain look. Because my magazine follows the genre of being indie rock, it is important that my props go against the mainstream look and follow something that the readers can aspire to. Certain props that i may use are: Cigarettes, denim jackets and mainly branded clothes that are not too well known in society. The picture below shows a similar picture which i intend to recreate

Thursday, 13 February 2014

draft front cover for magazine

This is my draft front cover for my magazine, i really like the main picture and the way the contrast has been increased to make them stand out from the rest of the picture. For my actual magazine, i will make certain adaptions which will be changing the font into a more suitable, mature style and involving a more suited background.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Magazine front cover (Drafting and planning)

This is the picture i may be using for the front cover of my magazine, i have not yet added any edits onto the picture but some edits i may consider is turning the picture black and white or increasing the contrast to make them stand out for effect

Friday, 31 January 2014

Drafting and planning - Band name styles

This shows my title in many different fonts so i can choose which one will best suit the genre of my magazine and whether or not i can edit the name to my desire

Research and development - mast heads

This is an abbreviation of the sound board mast head i made earlier on. I gained my inspiration from Q magazine  as i felt that the single letter was quite catchy and people could recognize that single letter

My band information - organisation

Thursday, 23 January 2014

colour scheme (drafting and planning)

Here are the 3 main colours i will be using throughout my magazine, i feel by combining all 3 of these colours i can create a lustful effect that will entice the audience into buying the magazine. Red is the colour of fire and blood thus giving it the colour connotation of: Energy, danger, power as well as elements of passion. Black provides a mystery to the magazine but also brings a negative feeling to the magazine. I will be using a black and white effect to create a vintage theme with parts of red coming off to create an delusional effect

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

research and development - magazine mastheads

These are edits i have made for a mast head. Throughout my magazine i am sticking to the colour scheme of: black red and white. For this reason i feel the top 'colossal racket' is quite catchy and the style of the font really suits my magazine genre as it gives it a rebellious nature.The Blue colossal racket was more of an experiment to judge and see if red really was the right colour scheme for my magazine, i do like the blue colossal racket masthead but i feel that it isn't as eye catchy as the red one.

To the left is another edit i have made on page plus. This is my favorite masthead as i feel the name 'sound board' for a magazine is quite catchy and the font style provides my magazine with a sense of  rebelliousness and  insubordination. Furthermore The colour scheme of red & black links with the desired colour scheme i want.
Unfortunately i feel the font style looks a slight bit too much and a bit immature in some respects thus meaning i could loose out on older customers as they may like the artist on the front cover but not the magazine type.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Organisation - potential models and effects

This is one of the models i will be using to advertise my band, the photo is not the correct style as the back ground imaging does not represent the theme i want to creating, I feel the direct mode of address in this picture creates a good effect which i may elect to  use when i create my real front cover, this is because its draws the reader in creating a feeling of temptation within the reader thus generating more viewers for my magazine.
The picture below has an editing technique turning the image into black and white, again this is another effect i may use as it gives the magazine a vintage look. Unfortunately Because the colour has been taken away it may not stand out from the other magazines around it as colour is very eye catchy. This is a variable that will have to be considered thoroughly.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Research and development - band names

I have created the name 'Placebo effect' for my band, i feel this is quite a catchy name and has a nice ring to it. The Placebo effect is an affect created by an artificial drug that can potentially cure people or make them feel a lot better. I feel the band could relate to this as i want there music to be so good that people will feel that they can use this music to relax to and make them feel better.

My band will be specializing in Indie rock therefore there overall image must have some sort of rebellious nature to it, furthermore i will prefer my band to be around the age of 18-20 as this age shows that they are young and new to the music industry and the whole celebrity world.

There first album will be called 'mind blown' or 'Endorphin's'. These band names can be related to placebo effect as they are all to do with the brain and how it feel so good to them. This name for the album also links in with the genre of indie rock as the album names are quite unusual and unique similar to the genre of music they will be playing. Furthermore on there first album i will be placing 8 or so songs preferably including 1 or 2 top of the chart songs they have made.

My band will be touring all over the UK, they will be playing at big arenas all over the country including: The O2 arena in London,  National indoor arena (NIA) in Birmingham, Earls court exhibition center in London and the MEN arena in Manchester.  If possible i will look into whether or not my band will be able to play at popular festivals or all over England, some places that may accept them are: Reading and Leeds festival, Glastonbury, Boom-town and shambala. Eventually my band may be able to expand to playing abroad in festivals such as Tommorrowland in Belgium.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Research and development - back up artists

I have created my main artist which most of my magazine features will be based upon. But in order to my magazine to look more professional and realistic I must create some back up bands which will also be featured throughout my magazine and to attract a wider range of audience. Below are listed the artists that will be featured in my magazine with their genre and amount of band members. (My magazine is predominantly based on rock so the artists must be a form of that genre e.g. Heavy rock)

Enclosure - Indie Rock - 4 members
Subtracted - Alternative Rock - 3 members
The thrillers - Classic Rock - 4 members
Laser-light - Indie Rock -  2 members

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Drafting and planning - eminem research

After a considerable amount of research i decided to create my front cover on Eminem, there are various reasons for this: One of which is Eminem has a very diverse range of front covers which go from cartoon to looking very classy. Furthermore Eminem can suit pretty much any colour scheme I desire for example in the top right there is: red, black and white, but in the bottom right picture there is predominately blue and yellow.
I really liked the whole idea of the cartoon picture in the bottom left as i found it really eye catching and unique as there are very few front covers of that quality. For this reason i decided to recreate a front cover with elements of cartoon characteristics combined with the seriousness of Eminem's facial features. In addition i decided that i will have a: Blue, yellow and red colour scheme for my front cover. As stated above Eminem can suit most colour schemes and these colours represent many god like features which links in with my title and one of his songs called 'Rap God'.